Celebrate National Fishing Boating Week June 6-14, 2020.
Use our tool-kit, complimentary to Chamber members, or create your own campaign. Need assistance or have questions? Chamber staff would love to discuss how you can make the most of this week in marketing efforts. Call us at 417-739-2564 or email lweathers@visittablerocklake.com.
Marketing Tool Kit
♦ Hashtags to use with your posts: #NationalFishingBoatingWeek #VisitTableRockLake
♦ We'd love for our official Chamber and visitor pages to interact with your posts. Tag @VisitTableRockLake and @TRLChamber in your posts.
We have prepared for you:
- Social media posts you can copy and paste for your own page's use, or create your own posts. Click here to view / copy posts.
- Graphic images are available for your use on Facebook or Instagram. Scroll down to view images.
- Use our graphic templates in Canva to edit your own social media images. Scroll down for the links.
More Ideas
- Email a photo of your guests boating or fishing, and we may use your image on our social media channels. Email images to lweathers@visittablerocklake.com. By emailing a photo, you consent to use of the photo by the Table Rock Lake Chamber of Commerce, and you are acknowledging you have the permission of all parties that the image may be used for publicity.
- Use National Boating Fishing Week as a reason to communicate with your customers via email.
- Encourage your customers to post pictures on their social media channels tagging your business and using the hashtags #NationalFishingBoatingWeek #VisitTableRockLake
Social Media Graphics
To use, right-click on the image and choose "Save image as." Save the graphic to your computer for future use.

Social Media Graphic Templates
Templates are created in Canva.com. Click the link and edit the graphic as you'd like, including uploading your own images.