Hanging out on Table Rock Lake.
Table Rock Lake is the perfect vacation location with its over 40,000 surface acres, creating 800 miles of shoreline for you to explore by boat, jet ski, paddleboard or kayak. If you were to take a bird’s eye view of the lake, you would see it’s a long winding channel with many “fingers.” The main channel of the lake spans from Arkansas to Missouri and back to Arkansas. (Check out the lake map to see what we mean.) While the main channel will take you to the various ends of the lake, it’s the fingers or coves that you’ll want to seek out for water sports, or dropping an anchor to float and swim.
There are hundreds of coves. Some will be small and narrow, others will be as wide as the main channel. The wider coves are great for tubing, wakeboarding and water skiing. Remember to watch your wake around other boats and docks…you don’t want to be a boat hole! Which cove is just right for how you plan to spend your day at Table Rock? Check out our lake map, or ask the locals. Table Rock Lake locals know where folks tie-up, where the lake is calm and relaxing, and where the best areas for water sports are located. MORE TABLE ROCK LAKE INFO
Ready, set, explore!
Table Rock Lake is bigger than Akron, Ohio; Boston, Massachusetts; Minneapolis, Minnesota; San Francisco, California; or St. Louis, Missouri. We think you get the picture…there’s a lot of lake to explore here in Southwest Missouri/Northwest Arkansas. As you discover the different corners of Table Rock Lake, you’ll soon see how the landscape changes. Some areas are wide with lush, forest- covered mountains. Turn a corner, and you can wind through an area that more closely resembles a river than a massive lake. The vast and varying areas of Table Rock Lake are one of the reasons many visitors make repeat trips-- it would take days to explore each corner.
A favorite way to explore Table Rock Lake is to take a day trip from one end to the other. For example, if Kimberling City is your home base, head west to explore Shell Knob; from Shell Knob continue west and south to Holiday Island in Arkansas. Another great area to explore is heading east. The eastern part of Table Rock Lake will take you towards the Table Rock Dam. Continue south past the dam and you’ll end up in the area of Big Cedar Lodge. From Big Cedar Lodge, continue south and you’ll be in the Cricket Creek area crossing the Arkansas line. Both “ends” of Table Rock Lake flow into Arkansas…but those portions of the lake do not touch each other! MORE TABLE ROCK LAKE INFO